
Monthly Meetings

Members meet once a month, normally on the third Thursday, to discuss a facet of the game from the big 5: Scrum, Line Out to Maul, Space, Speed & Safety. These will be based on the Technical Performance section of Form 2 which advisors fill out when assisting your development: Breakdown, Scrum, Space, Line-Out & Maul. This will be discussed with the Management Performance section of Form 2 in mind: Communication, Game Management & Core Values. Head to the calendar to see when, where & what topic the next meeting is on.

Academy Squad

SRRS Academy Squad was sent up to assist those entering into senior rugby or those referees which wanted some extra training. Run by Si Reeves, the squad meets online on a monthly basis to discuss multiple aspects of their games. Each member is given a mentor to help & support their journey, these can be experienced referees or former academy squad members. All new members of the society will enter the academy for a period to assist their development.

Development Squad

SRRS Development Squad is managed by former International Referee, Tony Spreadbury, & current Scottish National referee, Dan Evans, who started his refereeing with SRRS as a YMO. The members of the squad are carefully selected & all have a high potential to reach L6 or beyond. Each referee is given a coach & will have the ability to have their games reviewed by the squad managers. The squad meets on a monthly basis, either in person or online, to discuss different areas of their game in greater detail to aid the development of the officials. Each member is honoured to represent the society at some of the bigger games of the season & is encouraged to assist in the development of other society referees.

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Discover the excitement and satisfaction of officiating rugby matches. Join us today and be part of this amazing journey.

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