Female Match Official

As a society, we have taken active steps to create a welcoming and supportive environment for Female Match Officials (FMOs) as we have identified that women are key to the growth of rugby in the community. Whether that’s refereeing on a pathway towards the Professional Game Match Official Team or at your local club we can support your refereeing journey.

For those looking for additional peer support, visit the England Rugby Group for Female Match Officials


We know rugby can be lonely. We have created an area for all females to talk with our federation partners, Dorset & Wilts.


Where possible we have opportunities to showcase female referees in the female game to show others they can be part of the refereeing team.


Whether you choose to develop in the men’s or women’s game; there are tailored progression plans available to you.

Start Your Refereeing Journey

Discover the excitement and satisfaction of officiating rugby matches. Join us today and be part of this amazing journey.

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