SRRS pays expenses to all members when they are appointed to a fixture. Car mileage rates will be reviewed at least annually by the committee and will be communicated to all members through the Who’s the Ref (WTR) e-mail system when the mileage rate changes and will generally be aligned to current fuel costs and current HMRC fuel benefit guidelines. All claims should be processed through the WTR. Payments will be made at least monthly by the Hon. Treasurer.
Appointments within the County
Members are entitled to claim travel expenses to and from the Club to which you have been appointed. The expenses should be based on the distance from your home to the Club, or between the start and finish points, whichever is shorter, or previously agreed by the Chairman or Hon. Treasurer. If a team of three is appointed, match officials should arrange to travel together where this is practicable.
Appointments outside the County
Where more than one Society member is appointed on exchange, either as a team of three or to different matches, travel expenses for the main part of the journey will normally be paid for one car only. The senior referee, highest level or referee within the team of 3, is responsible for sorting out the travelling arrangements with their colleagues. Where practical considerations (e.g. referees’ home addresses, location of clubs) make this difficult, the agreement of the Chairman or the Hon. Treasurer should be sought in advance.
Claimants must ensure that all expense claims for exchange appointments are made to Somerset Rugby Referees Society, NOT the host society, as the claim will not be processed by the host society.
Other Mileage Claims:
Mileage Claims can be submitted for the following events:
• Executive Committee Meetings
• Academy Training Meetings
• Development Squad Meetings
• SWG, Federation & RFRU Meetings
• 7’s Tournaments supported by SRRS
•10’s Tournaments supported by SRRS
Mileage rates are shown in Expenses Policy.
Expenses Policy
Non WTR Expenses Form
Claiming via WhosTheRef
Once you have logged into WTR you will need to head to the ‘Appointments Tab’.
Enter the date range you wish to claim expenses for & click ‘SEARCH’. You should see something like the below.

To claim expenses for the game click EDIT in the far right column. You will then be sent to a page like the one below.

Edit the distance you have travelled & in the ‘Other Expenses’ box add your claim based on the current mileage rate.
Remember to then click the save button.
When you have completed expenses for all of the appointments you would like to submit go to the ‘Submit expenses’ page.
Click ‘Submit’ and confirm that you agree to the accuracy of the submission.
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Discover the excitement and satisfaction of officiating rugby matches. Join us today and be part of this amazing journey.