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Somerset Rugby Referees Society work closely with the RFU & the Local Delivery Team who provide new referee courses. The RFU has a wide range of Match Official courses, whether you’ve never picked up the whistle before or you have years of experience.

Introduction to Refereeing (ItR)

The England Rugby ItR course provides development and learning around refereeing the Rugby Union safely and effectively. In this six-hour course, you will learn the basics of how to referee a number of elements of the game and how to communicate effectively with players, coaches and volunteers, to ensure that everyone involved is playing in a safe and enjoyable environment.

With three hours of online learning and three hours of face-to-face learning, this blended approach allows you to learn from the comfort of your own home whilst being able to put into practice your refereeing skills in the face-to-face session.

Courses are booked on request and run by RFU Educators. For more information about requesting a course click here.

England Rugby Referee Award (ERRA)

The ERRA is our Level 2 qualification and is our competency-based qualification providing the knowledge, skills, and attributes to referee young players and adults safely and effectively. Covering all aspects of the game, the course considers how we can simplify refereeing by using “processes”, how we can communicate our decisions effectively and how we can ultimately be safe in everything we do.
The format of the course involves two face-to-face days, with several webinars and networking sessions between December to April. The ERRA looks to develop candidates in a practical-based environment, providing blended learning to suit you and your time.

To find courses in your local area and book your place, visit GMS Course Finder.

Advanced Match Official Award (AMOA)

The AMOA is a competency-based course that uses practical observations and group networking sessions.

The programme is for active match officials who have completed the England Rugby Referee Award (or equivalent) to develop their skills, knowledge and understanding of officiating rugby union. The course will develop individuals through four main components: Level 3 Match Officiating qualification, sport science, practical Officiating and supporting others.

The AMOA runs from September to May and applications are open to any member of a refereeing society who has completed the ERRA or L2 equivalent. Applications open for next season in May.  

Start Your Refereeing Journey

Discover the excitement and satisfaction of officiating rugby matches. Join us today and be part of this amazing journey.

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