
Like all rugby union played with England we follow The RFU’s HEADCASE programme which aims to increase understanding and provide information on concussion and other related topics, including how to prevent and manage suspected concussions. It is recognised as one of the UK’s leading concussion awareness and education resources. All games refereed by the society follow the RECOGNISE & REMOVE principle; this is regardless of the qualification/profession of the individual providing the pitch-side first aid and/or immediate care provision.

All society members will have a valid RFU elearning: Headcase Concussion Awareness Training on the GMS profile & understand the seriousness of concussion. The referee will not ask questions to the potential victim, this will be done by the pitch-first aider.

Red Flags

Reported or observed ‘red flags’ could indicate a potentially more serious head injury & an ambulance should be called.

They include:
• Loss of consciousness due to injury.
• Deteriorating consciousness.
• Increasing confusion or irritability.
• Double vision.
• Seizure or convulsion.
• Repeated vomiting.
• Severe neck pain.

Visual Signs

Any one of the following can indicate a possible concussion:

• Loss of consciousness or responsiveness.
• Lying motionless on ground / Slow to get up.
• Unsteady on feet / Balance problems or falling over / Incoordination.
•Grabbing / Clutching of head.
• Dazed, blank or vacant look.
• Confused / Not aware of plays or events.

Symptoms of a Concussion

Presence of any one of the following can indicate a possible concussion:

• Loss of consciousness.
• Headache, or “Pressure in head”.
• Seizure or convulsion.
• Dizziness or balance problems.
• Confusion.
• Difficulty concentrating or feeling like “in a fog“.
•Nausea or vomiting.
• Drowsiness, feeling slowed down, fatigue or low energy.
• More emotional or sadness.
• Blurred vision, or sensitivity to light or noise.
• Nervous, anxious or irritable.
• Difficulty remembering or amnesia.
• Neck Pain.
• “Don’t feel right”.

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