

SRRS is lucky to have some great tournaments which we partner with to allow those wanting to experience different rugby the opportunity to progress their skills in different environments & with officials from different societies.

Junior Tournaments

Somerset is known as a great place to come on tour with many different great days out & campsites. We have partnered with events to allow these clubs to enjoy their tour & we take part in their successful tour.

Burleigh Travel

Revel Rugby

Sports Tours

7s Tournaments

Not only do we referee at some of the top schools in the country during the first school terms, but we also get to referee at their tournaments in the run-up to the National School 7s. 

During the summer we also referee at some of the top 7s tournaments in the country including Frome 7s.

Millfield Prep School 7’s

West of England 7’s

Frome 7’s

Beach Tag Tournaments

Beach Tag Rugby is a format which allows for all the family to enjoy a day on the beach at the same time as clubs can enjoy their tour; this means that it is great for referees to support their learning through a competitive but fun event.

Beach Rugby Festivals

As well as having some great partnerships with the competitions we have some great relationships with our neighbouring refereeing societies. This allows for some great opportunities to work with match officials with different backgrounds & to forge some great friendships.

Start Your Refereeing Journey

Discover the excitement and satisfaction of officiating rugby matches. Join us today and be part of this amazing journey.

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